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FX SMS is the leading platform for forex trading signals. Boost your profits while decreasing losses with faster analysis and market entry through our Telegram alerts.

FX SMS Telegram Signals
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Algorithm-Based Trading Signals

We Provide The Signals You Make The Trades

Leverage our proven algorithm which continuously monitors eight currency pairs, generating precise entry and exit forex trading signals based on historical data and technical trends. Benefit from our advanced analytics to make informed trading decisions on Telegram.

Forex Trading Signals

FX SMS Open Trade Signals

The following is a list of open FX SMS trade positions, which were initiated based on trade signals provided by the FX SMS algorithm.

Base/Quote Rate Entered Limit Stop Date UTC Event Live Pips
EUR/GBP 0.8331 0.8631 0.8181 2024-10-17 16:00 Buy
USD/CAD 1.3781 1.3481 1.3931 2024-10-17 11:00 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.7871 1.8171 1.7721 2024-10-17 03:00 Buy
GBP/USD 1.3001 1.3301 1.2851 2024-10-16 08:00 Buy
EUR/CAD 1.5005 1.5305 1.4855 2024-10-16 04:00 Buy
EUR/AUD 1.6250 1.6550 1.6100 2024-10-10 06:00 Buy
GBP/AUD 1.9447 1.9147 1.9597 2024-10-08 04:00 Sell

Current Date Time: 2024-10-18 1:48 UTC | Last Updated: 2024-10-18 1:00 UTC

DISCLAIMER: Foreign Exchange trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The valuation of currency pairs may fluctuate, and, as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment. None of the content published on constitutes a recommendation that any particular transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

Entered 0.8331
Limit 0.8631
Stop 0.8181
Date UTC 2024-10-17 16:00

Entered 1.3781
Limit 1.3481
Stop 1.3931
Date UTC 2024-10-17 11:00

Entered 1.7871
Limit 1.8171
Stop 1.7721
Date UTC 2024-10-17 03:00

Entered 1.3001
Limit 1.3301
Stop 1.2851
Date UTC 2024-10-16 08:00

Entered 1.5005
Limit 1.5305
Stop 1.4855
Date UTC 2024-10-16 04:00

Entered 1.6250
Limit 1.6550
Stop 1.6100
Date UTC 2024-10-10 06:00

Entered 1.9447
Limit 1.9147
Stop 1.9597
Date UTC 2024-10-08 04:00

Current Date Time: 2024-10-18 1:48 UTC | Last Updated: 2024-10-18 1:00 UTC

DISCLAIMER: Foreign Exchange trading involves substantial risk of loss and is not suitable for every investor. The valuation of currency pairs may fluctuate, and, as a result, clients may lose more than their original investment. None of the content published on constitutes a recommendation that any particular transaction or investment strategy is suitable for any specific person.

FX SMS Closed Trades

Base/Quote Rate Entered Rate Closed Closed Date Event Pips
EUR/GBP 0.837000 0.832770 2024-10-17 Sell
EUR/USD 1.097350 1.083350 2024-10-17 Buy
GBP/CAD 1.800700 1.785200 2024-10-16 Buy
GBP/USD 1.316550 1.299000 2024-10-16 Sell
EUR/GBP 0.834700 0.837400 2024-10-16 Buy
GBP/CAD 1.802100 1.801100 2024-10-16 Sell
USD/CAD 1.366350 1.381050 2024-10-15 Sell
EUR/GBP 0.839100 0.834450 2024-10-15 Sell
EUR/CAD 1.491400 1.507100 2024-10-11 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.783590 1.797090 2024-10-10 Sell
GBP/AUD 1.928270 1.944590 2024-10-08 Sell
EUR/AUD 1.611700 1.623400 2024-10-07 Sell
USD/CAD 1.348350 1.363850 2024-10-07 Sell
EUR/GBP 0.838000 0.839900 2024-10-07 Buy
EUR/USD 1.113450 1.096100 2024-10-04 Buy
GBP/USD 1.311850 1.315400 2024-10-04 Buy
EUR/GBP 0.835900 0.837510 2024-10-04 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.774270 1.780600 2024-10-04 Buy
GBP/USD 1.326850 1.311650 2024-10-03 Buy
GBP/CAD 1.803110 1.787890 2024-10-02 Buy
EUR/CAD 1.506100 1.492000 2024-10-02 Buy
GBP/USD 1.339680 1.328850 2024-10-01 Sell
EUR/AUD 1.621200 1.605800 2024-10-01 Buy
GBP/USD 1.337400 1.341750 2024-09-30 Buy
GBP/AUD 1.945850 1.932890 2024-09-30 Buy
GBP/USD 1.337450 1.336700 2024-09-27 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.800720 1.803500 2024-09-27 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.796440 1.801490 2024-09-26 Buy
GBP/USD 1.331360 1.336100 2024-09-26 Buy
USD/CAD 1.344310 1.348600 2024-09-25 Buy
EUR/USD 1.116250 1.113450 2024-09-25 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.795220 1.796880 2024-09-25 Sell
EUR/GBP 0.841600 0.835300 2024-09-25 Buy
USD/CAD 1.359650 1.344600 2024-09-24 Buy
EUR/USD 1.110970 1.115850 2024-09-24 Buy
GBP/USD 1.321100 1.335350 2024-09-24 Sell
EUR/AUD 1.634300 1.625600 2024-09-24 Buy
EUR/CAD 1.503000 1.505740 2024-09-23 Sell
EUR/USD 1.107200 1.110100 2024-09-23 Sell
EUR/AUD 1.653800 1.634400 2024-09-19 Sell
EUR/GBP 0.845100 0.841770 2024-09-18 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.789910 1.796710 2024-09-18 Buy
GBP/USD 1.316700 1.322600 2024-09-18 Buy
EUR/GBP 0.849500 0.845200 2024-09-18 Buy
GBP/AUD 1.956640 1.945620 2024-09-18 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.794200 1.789370 2024-09-17 Sell
GBP/USD 1.318850 1.316170 2024-09-17 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.778070 1.793230 2024-09-16 Sell
EUR/AUD 1.646900 1.651900 2024-09-13 Buy
GBP/AUD 1.954300 1.956390 2024-09-13 Buy
EUR/USD 1.105700 1.107450 2024-09-12 Buy
EUR/CAD 1.495000 1.502100 2024-09-12 Buy
GBP/CAD 1.771030 1.778050 2024-09-12 Buy
EUR/AUD 1.662200 1.646800 2024-09-12 Sell
GBP/AUD 1.968800 1.956130 2024-09-11 Sell
EUR/CAD 1.502360 1.495800 2024-09-11 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.781910 1.770580 2024-09-11 Sell
USD/CAD 1.357130 1.357950 2024-09-11 Sell
GBP/CAD 1.774360 1.780820 2024-09-11 Buy
EUR/CAD 1.497900 1.501300 2024-09-11 Buy
*Only showing last 60 closed signals.

EUR/GBP Closed Sell
Entered 0.837000
Closed 0.832770
Enter Date 2024-10-16
Close Date 2024-10-17
Pips 42

GBP/CAD Closed Buy
Entered 1.800700
Closed 1.785200
Enter Date 2024-10-16
Close Date 2024-10-16
Pips -150

EUR/GBP Closed Buy
Entered 0.834700
Closed 0.837400
Enter Date 2024-10-15
Close Date 2024-10-16
Pips 27

GBP/CAD Closed Sell
Entered 1.802100
Closed 1.801100
Enter Date 2024-10-15
Close Date 2024-10-16
Pips 10

USD/CAD Closed Sell
Entered 1.366350
Closed 1.381050
Enter Date 2024-10-08
Close Date 2024-10-15
Pips -147

EUR/GBP Closed Sell
Entered 0.839100
Closed 0.834450
Enter Date 2024-10-07
Close Date 2024-10-15
Pips 46

GBP/AUD Closed Sell
Entered 1.928270
Closed 1.944590
Enter Date 2024-10-04
Close Date 2024-10-08
Pips -150

EUR/USD Closed Buy
Entered 1.097350
Closed 1.083350
Enter Date 2024-10-04
Close Date 2024-10-17
Pips -140

GBP/USD Closed Sell
Entered 1.316550
Closed 1.299000
Enter Date 2024-10-04
Close Date 2024-10-16
Pips 176

EUR/GBP Closed Buy
Entered 0.838000
Closed 0.839900
Enter Date 2024-10-04
Close Date 2024-10-07
Pips 19

GBP/CAD Closed Sell
Entered 1.783590
Closed 1.797090
Enter Date 2024-10-04
Close Date 2024-10-10
Pips -135

EUR/AUD Closed Sell
Entered 1.611700
Closed 1.623400
Enter Date 2024-10-03
Close Date 2024-10-07
Pips -117

GBP/USD Closed Buy
Entered 1.311850
Closed 1.315400
Enter Date 2024-10-03
Close Date 2024-10-04
Pips 35

GBP/CAD Closed Buy
Entered 1.774270
Closed 1.780600
Enter Date 2024-10-03
Close Date 2024-10-04
Pips 63

EUR/CAD Closed Sell
Entered 1.491400
Closed 1.507100
Enter Date 2024-10-03
Close Date 2024-10-11
Pips -150

GBP/USD Closed Buy
Entered 1.326850
Closed 1.311650
Enter Date 2024-10-01
Close Date 2024-10-03
Pips -150

GBP/USD Closed Sell
Entered 1.339680
Closed 1.328850
Enter Date 2024-09-30
Close Date 2024-10-01
Pips 108

GBP/CAD Closed Buy
Entered 1.803110
Closed 1.787890
Enter Date 2024-09-27
Close Date 2024-10-02
Pips -150

GBP/USD Closed Buy
Entered 1.337400
Closed 1.341750
Enter Date 2024-09-27
Close Date 2024-09-30
Pips 44

GBP/CAD Closed Sell
Entered 1.800720
Closed 1.803500
Enter Date 2024-09-26
Close Date 2024-09-27
Pips -28

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